This  MSHPCHE survey is designed to assess baseline  climate health knowledge, perceptions ,and needs  of the health/healthcare community of providers . Please take 10 minutes to complete to help our organization best serve you/your clients/your community All data is aggregated and responses are confidential. Participation is voluntary and responses will not be shared for advertising. Please  proceed if you agree to participate. 

Question Title

* 1. Please enter your Contact Information ( email or phone #)  here if you would like to enter a  raffle for a  solar powered phone charger or Deluxe Bamboo Cheeseboard ( Winner's Choice)

Question Title

* 2. What is your age range ?

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* 3. How do you identify regarding race? 

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* 4. What is your Ethnicity? 

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* 5. What's your current (or former, if retired) primary work location ?

Question Title

* 6. What is  your primary area of training/work/occupation?

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* 7. What percentage of the population you serve is non-white ?

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* 8. Aside from being a health professional, how much experience do you have in Climate change work?

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* 9. Who/what do you think has contributed MOST to climate change over the past 150 years ?

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* 10. What is your level of understanding about the impact of climate change on human health ?

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* 11. How much do these statements align with what your beliefs? 

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 
i feel that climate change is a significant health  issue
The actions I take personally and professionally can impact climate change 
Citizens themselves should do more to address climate change 

Question Title

* 12. How do you estimate the following effects?

  Extremely (To a very Great Extent) Very  Moderately  Slightly Not at all
To what extent do you feel that climate change change has caused harm to people in your community/city/country in the past decade
To what extend do you feel climate change impacts  direct patient care?
To what extent w do you feel climate change has affected the patients you care for/the populations you serve ?


Question Title

* 13. How much do these statements align with your beliefs about the placement of climate education ?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree  N/A
I feel like education about climate change and its impact on health should be included in Medical (school) education
I feel like education about climate change and its impact on health  should be included  in Public health education
I feel like education about climate change and its impact on health should be included in  Professional health education  schools ( Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Social Work ) and Allied Health 
I feel that the medical or health professional societies I am involved should be involved in education/advocacy related to climate impact on health 
I feel that education about climate change should be included in secondary education 

Question Title

* 14. Please respond to these questions about the role of physicians and other health providers 

  Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Health /Health care professionals are obligated to inform their patients/clients about the impact of climate change on their health 
I feel that health professionals should inform the public about the impact of climate  change on their health
I feel that health professionals should assist in leading workplaces ( offices, clinics, hospitals, agencies, institutions ) in being environmentally sustainable 
I believe that physicians and other health professionals should be on the forefront of climate change

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* 15. In what ways do you feel patients/clients/communities are being impacted by climate change? (Select ALL  that apply)

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* 16. What are some barriers that make it difficult for you to address climate change-related health  issues with your patients/clients/ community members ? ( Select All that apply)

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* 17. My workplace and/or organization is well-prepared for responding to climate-related events like disasters emergencies, extreme weather events, increase in certain diseases.

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* 18. Which of the following resources would you find helpful in learning more about climate change and health impact ?

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* 19. Please rank  the importance of  the following topics to you. Rank from 1 to 5 with 5 being the highest

  1. General Principles related to climate related impact on human health
  2. Excessive Heat Impact
  3. Impact of Health Care systems on Climate Change
  4. Extreme weather events 
  5. Air pollution /Air Quality 
  6. Gulf Coastal sea Level rise 
  7. Other ( You may specify in the comment section)

Question Title

* 20. What is your level of agreement with these climate change  solutions?

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 
Corporations and industry should do more to address global warming 
Provide tax rebates for people who buy energy efficient vehicles 
Expand offshore drilling for oil and natural gas off the US coast 
Require utilities to produce 20% electricity from renewable energy 
Require fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax 
Global warming should be a high priority for the next President and Congress 
Funding research  about renewable energy sources 
Regulate  CO2 as a pollutant 

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* 21. Do you have an interest in assisting with education and/or advocacy focusing on climate and health at a community level ?

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* 22. Do you have other comments, questions, concerns?