St Paul VI Parish Come Home to Church Survey

Thank you in advance for taking the time to give the Parish Pastoral Council your feedback.

2021 has been a difficult year for many of us.  We have dealt with the pandemic as well as with the challenges of our Renew My Church consolidation of our original 3 parishes, St. Hugh, St. Mary, and Mater Christi into our new St. Paul VI parish.

In the past couple of months, it has been nice to see many parishioners returning to Mass in person. We miss each person who has not been able to attend.  Filling out this survey allows the St. Paul VI PPC to gauge how our parishioners believe that they will participate in Sunday Mass for the next months which helps our pastor, Father Tom, plan for the needs of our St. Paul VI parishioners and community.

We appreciate your time and feedback. Thank you.
1.Are you currently attending Mass in person now?
2.If you are watching/listening from home, please indicate which way you are viewing:
3.Do you drive to the parish office at the Lyne Center for the drive-thru communion?
4.If you have been using the livestream option, do you want the livestream of our Masses to continue?
5.If you have been coming to the drive-thru communion, do you want the drive-thru to continue?
6.Please indicate your age range:
7.Please indicate your legacy parish:
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered