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East Suffolk Council Budget Consultation 2021/22
Remaining financially sustainable is one of the key five themes in the East Suffolk Strategic Plan - We will grow and prosper as a council; we will ensure we are well-run; provide value for money and strive for excellence.
The Covid-19 pandemic has presented significant additional financial challenges to the Council and the outlook is very uncertain at this stage for both next year and the medium term. We are supporting our communities with increased spending to meet the emergency response costs of the pandemic and we are seeing an increase in demand for council services. At the same time, the income we receive, which supports the services we deliver, has seen large reductions.
Emergency Government funding and the Council’s robust reserves position are enabling it to meet these challenges and develop its response to the pandemic. However, like other local authorities, the Council faces a challenging environment over the next few years and will see increasing pressure on the Council’s finances.
This budget consultation reflects the uncertainty that we face, but it also sets our approach to ensuring we can support our communities and businesses recover. Being financially sustainable is central to this organisation – streamlining services; making best use of our assets; being commercially astute; optimising our financial investments and grant opportunities; and reviewing service delivery with our partners.
How is the consultation being carried out?
This consultation provides an opportunity for you to review and comment on East Suffolk Council’s approach to Financial Sustainability and meeting the budget challenges ahead.
We would like the views of residents, partners, and businesses. The deadline for responses to this consultation is 5pm, Friday 22 January 2021.
All individual responses will be anonymised. Response on behalf of an organisation may have their comments attributed to them in the final report.