The City of Los Altos is in the process of updating its Safety Element. The Safety Element is a mandatory element of the General Plan and has to be updated every time the City adopts a Housing Element (Last adopted in January 2023).

The goal of the Safety Element is to reduce the potential short and long-term risk of death, injuries, property damage, and economic and social dislocation resulting from fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, landslides, climate change, and other hazards. This element is required to identify hazards and hazard abatement provisions to guide local decisions related to zoning, subdivisions, and entitlement permits. Other locally relevant safety issues, such as emergency response, pandemics, hazardous materials spills, and crime reduction, may also be included.

Your participation in the planning process is extremely important and vital to the success of the Safety Element Update. This survey is expected to take approximately 10 minutes to complete and is anonymous. Your information will be kept confidential.

We appreciate your time and insights.

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* 1. What is your relationship to the City of Los Altos (Select all that apply)

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* 2. Which of the following types of disasters/hazards have you or someone in your household experienced while residing, working, or visiting Los Altos? Select all that apply.

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* 3. How concerned are you about the following hazards in Los Altos?

  Not concerned Somewhat concerned Concerned Very concerned Extremely concerned Not Applicable (N/A)
Severe weather (high wind, heavy rain, extreme cold, hail, hurricane, lightning, etc.)
Extreme heat
Geologic hazards (Landslides, mass movements, sinkholes, subsidence, expansive soils, etc.)
Soil erosion
Tsunami/ Storm surge
Sea-level Rise
Dam/levee failure
Climate change
Terrorism/active shooter
Utility/power failure
Hazardous materials incidents/spills
Biochemical accidents
Industrial accidents
Mosquito and vector control

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* 4. What effects of climate change concern you most? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. How concerned are you about evacuating in the event of a disaster?

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* 6. In case of an emergency, do you have transportation to evacuate?

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* 7. What would be your most common form of transportation during an emergency?

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* 8. How would you expect to be notified in case of an immediate threat caused by a local hazard? Select all that apply.

Information on disaster preparedness can be found on City’s website at

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Nixle Alerts Opt-In via Text: You can text your ZIP code to 888777 to receive alerts

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* 9. If you received real estate disclosure information when you moved into your current building (residence or business), did your real estate agent or landlord explain the implications of living in a potential natural hazard risk area?

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* 10. How prepared is your household to get along without electricity, drinking water, or natural gas supply for one to five days?

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* 11. Which of the following steps have you taken to prepare for a local hazard event? Select all that apply.

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* 12. Do you have hazard-specific insurance? Select all that apply.

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* 13. Do you have any of the following issues with your home? Select all that apply.

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* 14. Please suggest awareness and preparedness programs that you think the City should provide to promote resident actions to reduce exposure to the risks associated with natural/non-natural hazards.

a. Natural hazards include earthquakes, wildfires, severe weather (high wind, extreme heat), landslides and mass movement, flooding, dam/levee failure, etc.

b. Non-natural hazards include active shooter, utility/power failure, hazardous materials, biochemical/radiological accidents, industrial accidents, crime (robbery, murder, etc.), cyber threats, etc.

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* 15. In your opinion, which strategies are most important to evaluate as part of the Safety Element Update? Select all that apply.

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* 16. What is your age group?

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* 17. Please provide your contact information if you wish to be notified of future opportunities to participate in the Safety Element update process.