The Luxury and Marketing Committee needs your input. We are seeking to gather data from operators concerning curb allocation and requirements at airports. Most airports have a limited amount of real estate when it comes to curbs. They battle with special interest from all transportation modes and companies. In the end, it is the airport's responsibility to offer the traveling public safe, reliable, and available transportation options. Each transportation mode has its advantages and disadvantages, and each has a following.   

As airports look to change airport curb space allocation, you should have a seat at the table and be able to not only provide opinions but also have a good idea of what other airports do, what works and what does not. By completing this survey, we can help provide operators with some valuable information which will be presented at our Dallas Convention.

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* 1. Your Name

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* 2. Please provide the name of your Company

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* 3. Which state are you in?

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* 4. What is/are the main airport(s) you serve?

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* 5. What best describes your operation?

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* 6. Approximate size of operation (number of vehicles)

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* 7. Who currently operates at your airport?

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* 8. Of the modes of transportation that operate at your airport, which ones have access to the curbs at the terminal for Drop-Off?

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* 9. Of the modes of transportation that operate at your airport, which ones have access to the curbs at the terminal for Pick-Up?

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* 10. Is the signage to the designated pickup area clear and obvious?

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* 11. Is the designated pickup area reasonably accessible to wheelchair users?

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* 12. Of the modes of transportation that operate at your airport, which ones require a transfer to access an offsite pick up location?

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* 13. In your opinion, rank which mode of transportation has the most preferred pick up location? One being the best. (Instructions: Use the arrows to move the answer choice to the position you desire, the number order will show after moving the answer choices and can be edited accordingly using the arrows)

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* 14. Does your airport allow virtual queuing at the airport?

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* 15. Please describe what actions, if any, you would like to see occur at the airport in regard to pick up and drop off that will help keep your operation on level footing with other modes of transportation.

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* 16. Does the airport require an access fee for each mode of transportation and if so, how much? (Please describe fee amount next to each mode of transportation if any)

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* 17. Does your airport require a permit fee for each mode of transportation and if so, how much? (Please describe fee amount next to each mode of transportation if any)

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* 18. Who manages your airport?

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* 19. Does your airport require background checks for each mode of transportation?

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* 20. Does your airport enforce drug testing for each mode of transportation?

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* 21. Does your airport enforce vehicle age requirements for each mode of transportation and if so, what is it?

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* 22. Please provide your opinion on what other objectives you would like to see the Luxury and Marketing committee address in 2025 and beyond.