Dear Tacoma Community College graduate (or soon to be graduate) -

Congratulations on achieving an important milestone in your educational journey! All of us at TCC are extremely proud of you! As you reach this big accomplishment, we would like to learn from your experience. The purpose of this brief survey is to get your valuable feedback about your TCC experience. Your candid and thoughtful responses will help improve the college experience for our future graduates.

This is an anonymous survey that is confidential and not tied to your identification. It should take about 10 minutes to complete. 

We appreciate your true thoughts and responses as we use them to grow and improve. Thank you for your help with this important endeavor.

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree Not applicable
a. I feel well prepared for my next step — continuing my education (taking higher division coursework), work, or both.
b. I have participated in meaningful learning experiences at TCC .
c. I have received high quality instruction in the face-to-face classroom at TCC.
d. I have received high quality instruction in laboratory settings at TCC .
e. I have received high quality instruction in field work or practicum settings.
f. I have received high quality instruction in eLearning (hybrid or online) courses through TCC.
g. I would recommend TCC to a friend/potential student.
h. I have been treated with respect as a learner at TCC.
i. I knew where to go when I had a problem related to academics (such as; struggling in class & having other outside commitments).
j. I knew where to go when I had a problem related to services (such as; getting registered, computer issues, parking, bookstore & access services).
k. My college education at TCC has improved the quality of my life.
l. TCC has provided a learning environment that is free of harassment/discrimination of any kind (e.g. race, sexual orientation, age, gender, religion, disability etc.)

Question Title

* 3. How often have you/did you do each of the following?

  Never Rarely Occasionally  Often Very often Not applicable
a. Participated in one or more student clubs at TCC.
b. Participated in student government at TCC ( that is, the official student body, Associated Student Body at TCC -ASTCC).
c. Participated in Learning Communities (integrative studies or linked classes) at TCC.
d. Attended educational events (lectures or workshops outside of class) at TCC.
e. Attended cultural events (drama, music, etc.) at TCC.
f. Attended athletic events at TCC.
g. Used tutoring services (such as MARC, WTC, & BEC) for one or more of my classes at TCC.
h. Used the library at TCC.
i. Used the Information Commons at TCC (student help-desk located on 1st floor of building 16).

Question Title

* 4. If you were starting your education all over again, which of the following would you do?

Question Title

* 5. Please indicate your overall experience at TCC (Take into account all aspects of the college - such as; classes, faculty, social climate, and student affairs (e.g. registration, advising, & early learning center).

Question Title

* 6. Have you/did you achieve your educational goal(s) at TCC?

33% of survey complete.