Groundwork Ohio Infant & Toddler Stakeholder Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete Groundwork Ohio's stakeholder survey.  Your responses to the following questions will help us better understand the challenges our state faces to serving 0-3 year olds in high-quality programs that promote early learning and healthy development.  
1.Which of the following best describes your relationship to Ohio's early education system? (Please select all that apply)(Required.)
2.In which Ohio county do you currently reside?(Required.)
3.Which quality, evidence-based services (e.g. child care, maternal & infant home visiting, early intervention, etc.) do you think are most critical for Ohio's at-risk 0-3 year olds and why?(Required.)
4.If you are a parent...
What are the most significant barriers you face to accessing and maintaining access to quality early learning programs for infants and toddlers?

5.If you work with infants /toddlers in an early learning or healthcare setting...
What are the largest barriers you face to providing quality services to infants and toddlers?
6.Is this barrier about...
7.What are the biggest opportunities to provide quality early learning services to infants and toddlers?
8.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.) (Required.)
9.Would you be willing to answer follow-up questions about this survey?  If so, please enter your email address here: