Thank you for your interest in SGA! We have positions open for Senate and the SGA Executive Board. 

Senators serve as representatives for each class (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior). As you a Senator, you take on a leadership role within your class. In addition, you will attend meetings and serve as a voice/advocate for your class. There are a total of 3 Senators per class. 

For the SGA Executive Council, there are two positions are as follows: 
Director of Multicultural Affairs: This position ensures the College is promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion across campus. 

Director of Food & Sustainability: This position advocates and focuses on implementing sustainability strategies and improvements in student's dining experiences. 

Question Title

* 1. Please provide personal information.

Question Title

* 2. Please select your current classification.

Question Title

* 3. Describe your current campus involvement, including any leadership positions you hold within specific organizations and the number of semesters you have been involved in the organization(s). If you are a new student to LC, please list involvement from high school or your previous institution.

Position Interest:
Please select the position(s) you are interested in for the 2022-2023 academic year.

Question Title

* 4. Please check the position(s) for which you are applying.

Application Questions:

Please respond to the following application question. Each response should be no longer than 2 paragraphs (3-5 sentences per paragraph).

Question Title

* 5. Please explain why you are interested in applying for the position selected and provide examples of changes/policies you would like to implement within the selected position. 

Question Title

* 6. Please indicate if you are able to attend Senate meetings on Mondays at 9 p.m. in Corn Auditorium. Meetings will start Monday, September 19, 2022. 

Thank you for completing the application! The application deadline is Friday, September 9, 2022 at 12 p.m. Voting links will be sent to campus and will be completed by Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 5 p.m.