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12% of survey complete.
This survey explores the food industry's perception of document fraud and aims to identify some of the documents that are commonly used throughout the food industry. The survey consists of three parts and will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You will be asked a series of questions related to your experience and thoughts about food document fraud.All of the answers that are received for this study will be anonymous.

If after completing this survey you are interested in participating in a follow-up interview [by phone, email or in person], you will be given the opportunity to provide your contact information at the end, in which case your survey responses will no longer be anonymous to the researcher. However, no names or identifying information will be included in any publications or presentations and the information you provide will remain confidential.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may choose to decline or discontinue participation in any part of the process, at any time. If you have any concerns or questions about this research study, such as scientific issues, or how to complete any part of the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Roy Fenoff, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
The Citadel
2 Lee Avenue
Capers Hall - 3rd Floor
Room 330
Charleston, SC 29409