Town of Fitzwilliam Master Plan

Implementation Survey

As part of the process of updating the Town of Fitzwilliam’s Master Plan, the Master Plan Steering Committee is seeking your opinion.  Please take a few minutes to share your views by completing this confidential survey.  Select the option that best represents your response.  If you are not sure, or if a question does not apply to you, select the “DK/NA” response.  Your input is critical to this process and will help shape the future for Fitzwilliam.  

The results of this survey will help our elected and volunteer community leaders develop and assign priorities to the recommendations in the Master Plan. Responses collected to date were tabulated and preliminary results were presented to the Town at a public forum on March 26th. 

Please return your completed survey on or before June 15, 2022 so that your opinions can be included in the compiled results.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email or contact Lori Nolan at 603-585-9119.  Thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation.  We truly value your opinion.

Sincerely, The Fitzwilliam Master Plan Steering Committee
1.Please rank the following Town offices, services, or facilities that you have used.
Selectmen's office
Town Clerk's office
Tax Collector's office
Recreational facilities
Town roads
Transfer Station
Town Common
Town Website
2.Would you support the following possible additions to Fitzwilliam?
Strongly Oppose
Oppose Somewhat
Favor Somewhat
Strongly Favor
Multi-function community center
New safety complex (fire/police)
Public water recreation facilities
Limited water treatment center
Year-round farmers market
3.What is your opinion of the following types of economic development in Fitzwilliam?
Strongly Oppose
Oppose Somewhat
Favor Somewhat
Strongly Favor
Professional offices
Retail stores
Light manufacturing
Technology businesses
Medical offices
Home businesses
Grocery stores
Tourism related businesses
Fitness facilities
4.In your opinion do the following factors limit economic development in Fitzwilliam?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Rural location
Small population and workforce
Lack of affordable housing
Competition from businesses in surrounding towns
Lack of community support for new businesses
Lack of special incentives for new businesses
5.Please indicate how high a priority you place on each of the possible goals for Fitzwilliam.
Not a Priority
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Very High Priority
Preserve open spaces - fields, forests, and farms
Protect groundwater/drinking water supplies
Expand recreational opportunities
Develop services for the elderly
Encourage residential development
Encourage commercial development
Maintain Fitzwilliam's rural character
Preserve historical sites/buildings
Encourage affordable housing
Encourage employment opportunities
6.What do you like most about living in Fitzwilliam?
7.What do you like least about living in Fitzwilliam?
8.How many miles do you travel one-way for...
Less than 10
10 to 25
26 to 40
Medical care
9.How important is Fitzwilliam history to you?
Very important
Somewhat important
Not important
No opinion
10.Please indicate how high a priority you place on each of these possible ways to promote Town history.
Not a Priority
Low Priority
Medium Priority
High Priority
Very High Priority
Identify more historic structures/sites
Expand the historic district
Work with Emerson to better promote Town history
11.Would you support the further development of the following recreational facilities and programs in Fitzwilliam?
Strongly Oppose
Oppose Somewhat
Favor Somewhat
Strongly Favor
Bicycle and bridle paths
Trails for walking/snowshoeing
Swimming/Town beach
Wildlife preserves
Ice skating
Activities for pre-teens
Activities for teenagers
Activities for adults
Activities for senior citizens
12.Would you support the following cultural events / programs in Fitzwilliam?
Strongly Oppose
Oppose Somewhat
Favor Somewhat
Strongly Favor
Art shows
Live music events
Comedy shows
Dramatic productions
Events for children
Informational talks for adults
Festivals (e.g., Film, Music, Food, Art, etc.)
13.How great a need is there for the following types of housing in Fitzwilliam?
Definitely Don't Need
Don't Really Need
Somewhat Needed
Greatly Needed
High end or luxury housing
Entry level or starter homes
Two-family (duplex) units
Conversion of large homes into apartments
New apartment buildings
Cluster developments (single family homes on smaller lots with shared open space)
Housing for low-income earners
Housing for senior citizens
14.In the next ten years, would you like to see the population of Fitzwilliam...
Stay the same
15.How concerned are you about the following factors with regard to population growth in Fitzwilliam over the next 10 years?
Not at All Concerned
Not Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Increase in Town services (e.g., emergency services)
Soil conditions/septic feasibility
Increase in school enrollment
Loss of rural character
Increased traffic
16.How concerned are you about the following factors with regard to population decline in Fitzwilliam over the next 10 years?
Not At All Concerned
Not Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Decrease in Town services (e.g., emergency services)
Decrease in school enrollment
Decreased traffic
17.Have you ever experienced or been impacted by a natural disaster (hazard) within the Monadnock region?
18.Do you know where to go/gather in Fitzwilliam in the event of a natural disaster?
19.How concerned are you about the possibility of Fitzwilliam experiencing the following natural hazard situations?
Not at All Concerned
Not Very Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Well or Town water contamination
Severe erosion or landslides
Tornadoes, microbursts, or severe high winds
Grassland or forest fires
Severe winter storms
Biological hazards (e.g., pathogens, toxins, epidemics)
20.How well informed do you feel you are with respect to the effects of a changing climate?
Extremely informed
Moderately informed
Somewhat informed
Know little to nothing about it
21.How important is it for the Town of Fitzwilliam to initiate and promote measures to mitigate the effects of climate change?
Not at all important
Low importance
Very important
22.There are several possible ways for the Town to reduce its energy use and resulting carbon footprint. How would you rate each of these?
Strongly Oppose
Oppose Somewhat
Favor Somewhat
Strongly Favor
Promote renewable energy sources through tax credits to individuals
Upgrade town buildings to reach higher energy efficiency standards
Transition town vehicles to biofuels and/or electric
Adopt a community-wide composting program
Expand types of recyclables accepted at the Transfer Station
Establish a "Swap Shop" at the Transfer Station where residents can donate or claim still-good items
Promote water conservation
23.How long have you lived/owned land in Fitzwilliam? (number of years)
24.Do you own or rent your home?
25.What is your status in Fitzwilliam? (Please check all that apply)
26.Where is your home or business located?
27.Do you have school age children
28.What is your combined annual household income?
29.What is your highest level of education?
30.What is your current gender identity?
31.What is your age?
32.Please share any additional thoughts, ideas, or concerns that you may have:
Current Progress,
0 of 32 answered