
Thank you for taking this survey!

The Town of Douglas, with assistance from the Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission, is updating the Town's long-range Master Plan to help inform municipal policies and investments for the next 10-20 years. In order to complete this plan, we are seeking input on how the Douglas community envisions the future of the town.

What is a Master Plan?
A Master Plan is a long-range strategic roadmap that defines the community’s aspirations and goals for its future. It reflects a shared vision of where the community intends to be in the coming decades, helping to shape local policies, inform decisions, and guide public and private investments. This forward-thinking document is crafted through an inclusive planning process, where residents and stakeholders come together to brainstorm ideas, deliberate over priorities, dream about possibilities, and develop a unified strategy for the community's development.

Community input is essential for the Master Plan. This town-wide survey and an upcoming Master Plan Open House on November 14, 2024, will engage stakeholders and community members in creating a roadmap for achieving community goals and laying the foundation for future growth.

Why does Douglas need an updated Master Plan?
Douglas' last Master Plan, completed in 1998, provided valuable guidance at the time, but much has changed since then— ranging from population growth and economic shifts to environmental concerns and technological advancements. A new Master Plan will help ensure that the town is equipped to navigate and capitalize on both the opportunities and challenges of the next 20 years, cultivating a more resilient, vibrant, and sustainable community.

The entire survey should take about 10-15 minutes. All responses to this survey will be completely anonymous. Responses cannot be traced back to the respondent.

Paper copies are available for pick-up and drop-off at the Public Library, Adult Social Center, and Town Hall (24/7 Drop Box).

Thank you for your participation and commitment to the future of Douglas!
9% of survey complete.