Activity Evaluation Form: Water Law and the Klamath River Basin with Amy Cordalis

California Indian Law Association, Inc. Feedback Form

Please provide your feedback on this session. The session took place on May 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM PDT. 
Location of Activity: Zoom (virtual)
1.Did this program meet your educational objectives?
2.Were you provided with substantive written materials?
Note: electronic written materials are available at
3.Did the course update or keep you informed of your legal responsibilities?
4.Did the activity contain significant professional content?
5.Was the environment suitable for learning (e.g., noise, lighting, etc.)?
6.Please rate panelist Amy Cordalis' presentation and content on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being Poor and 5 being Excellent.
Overall Teaching Effectiveness
Knowledge of Subject Matter
7.Please provide any other feedback about this panel here.
8.Thank you for attending this event!
We welcome any overall feedback here. What did you enjoy? What do you wish we had done differently? What do you hope to see next year?
If you would like a response or would like to connect with CILA on ways you can be involved in future programming, please leave your name and best contact info. Thank you!