City of Crestview Communications Survey 2025

1.I live inside the Crestview City Limits
2.Please select your age:
3.Please select your ethnicity:
4.I follow the City of Crestview on
5.I follow the City on the following social media channels:
6.How often do you see post from the City of Crestview?
7.What primary LOCAL NEWS sources have you used in the past 30 days. (select all that apply)
8.I visit for the following purposes:
9.Select the departments or divisions you interact with most:
10.Where do you like to view the City of Crestview Council Meeting?
11.I've signed up for the local alerting system, CODERED.
12.I've learned which items can be recycled.
13.Crestview is a good place to live.
14.The City of Crestview communicates well with me.
15.Additional comments for City of Crestview officials, departments, or services?