1. Why to enroll?

Dear colleague, Dear friend,

CIHEAM is launching an initiative aimed at expanding the Network of CIHEAM Alumni (NCA) to create more synergy.
In order to develop a Community which is of utmost importance for the future repositioning of CIHEAM, we are pleased to welcome you to the NCA Enrollment form (DOWNLOAD SUPPORT MESSAGE of Ciheam Secretary General Mr COSIMO LACIRIGNOLA, here  http://goo.gl/BLphcm).
Before filling in the questionnaire we invite you to read the guidelines below:


☺ Please complete the entire questionnaire before submission. This will only take you a few minutes.
☺ Please note that the questionnaire should be filled in entirely before submitting it, otherwise information will be lost.
☺ Use the scroll bar to reveal the remaining questions as you move towards the end of the questionnaire.
☺ Please be assured that all information provided will remain anonymous and confidential.
☺ The fields marked with asterisk (*) are obligatory.
☺ After completion, press the 'Done' button to submit the questionnaire.
☺ Should you press the 'Next' button without completing all obligatory fields, you will be redirected to the questionnaire to fill in the missing fields for a valid submission.
☺ Alternatively, you may use the 'Exit the survey' button at any time to exit the questionnaire before submission.

All your replies will be treated confidentially. Please be frank ☺

The survey's results will be completely anonimyzed and your name will never be mentioned. Your personal contacts will never be given to a third party nor will be used for commercial purposes. Your personal contacts will be only used to let you know about the research results, CIHEAM latest news, to ask you for suggestions, or to ask you to participate in other research projects. Please notice that by completing the survey you give your informed consent.

If you have any doubt about the questions or how to answer them, please feel free to contact the coordinator, Dr. Noureddin Driouech, at the following email address : driouech@iamb.it

Thank you very much for your collaboration.

The NCA Working group :
CIHEAM General Secretariat: Plácido PLAZA
MAI - Bari: Noureddin DRIOUECH
MAI - Chania: Chara RIKOUNAKI
MAI - Montpellier: Tahani ABDEL HAKIM
MAI - Zaragoza: Bernardo BASURCO