The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered.
The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered. Strongly disagree
The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered. Disagree
The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered. Neutral
The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered. Agree
The Children's Museum is meeting its mission statement through the various programs and activities offered. Strongly agree
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit.
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit. Strongly disagree
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit. Disagree
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit. Neutral
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit. Agree
The museum staff was very helpful during our visit. Strongly agree
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities.
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities. Strongly disagree
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities. Disagree
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities. Neutral
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities. Agree
The museum provides quality educational exhibits and activities. Strongly agree
The museum was neat and clean during our visit.
The museum was neat and clean during our visit. Strongly disagree
The museum was neat and clean during our visit. Disagree
The museum was neat and clean during our visit. Neutral
The museum was neat and clean during our visit. Agree
The museum was neat and clean during our visit. Strongly agree
The museum staff was prepared for my group.
The museum staff was prepared for my group. Strongly disagree
The museum staff was prepared for my group. Disagree
The museum staff was prepared for my group. Neutral
The museum staff was prepared for my group. Agree
The museum staff was prepared for my group. Strongly agree
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension.
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension. Strongly disagree
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension. Disagree
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension. Neutral
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension. Agree
The exhibits featured helped enhanced reading comprehension. Strongly agree
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices.
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices. Strongly disagree
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices. Disagree
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices. Neutral
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices. Agree
The exhibits featured exposed the students to making smarter food choices. Strongly agree
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve.
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve. Strongly disagree
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve. Disagree
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve. Neutral
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve. Agree
The exhibits featured helped the children problem solve. Strongly agree
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents.
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents. Strongly disagree
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents. Disagree
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents. Neutral
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents. Agree
I would recommend the Children's Museum to other teachers and parents. Strongly agree