Nelson and Area Business Recovery

 Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce

Economic Recovery Assistance

Business Questionnaire

In an effort to continue helping businesses forge their way through the pandemic and its easing restrictions, the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce and its  economic development partners are hoping you’ll share your input and experiences from 2020/21.

 In addition to hearing a bit about your story — and any successes too, because there certainly were some amidst all the upheaval — we’re looking for basic details on the grant and loan programs you’ve required, what worked, what didn't and what your business needs to meet the economic challenges still ahead.

 As the representatives for all the business sectors of Nelson and its surrounding communities, The Chamber will take your input and concerns to the right level of government, and advocate for change.

 All the information we gather will be confidential.
2.Business Sector
3.Business Name
5.Phone #
7.Tell us a bit abut your business. In a sentence-How long have you been operating, how many employees do you have when fully staffed, how many do you have now and in a sentence what makes your business unique from your competitors?
8.Which grant and/or loan programs-federal, did your business receive assistance from during the COVID-19 pandemic?(refer to the two page Business
Recovery Assistance collateral material on grant programs)
9.What was your experience? Which of these program worked well, and why? and were there any you applied for but did not receive funding or qualify for?
10.Which of these grant programs didn't work well and why?
11.Do you have any other concerns, or compliments regarding governments efforts to assist at all level of government, Municipal, Provincial, Federal
12.What current future pandemic related business challenges are you most concerned about?(example decreased profitability, debt load, reduced capacities, staffing shortages and the need for additional rent/lease or mortgage assistance?
13.Are there programs in place that will help you deal with those concerns? Or do you require more information and assistance on whether they exist and how to access them?
14.What good news or success stories do you have to share? Did your business improve in any way over the course of the pandemic? Were you able to increase staff and or customer loyalty? Improve customer service? Develop online/digitalized economy pivots? Increased investment in your business and its physical venue?  Shipping/Receiving/delivery operational procedures? Financial management? Improved products/services? Corporate culture? etc
15.Explain how the improvement came to be, and please share other good news stories or anecdotes
16.On behalf of the Nelson and District Chamber of Commerce board of directors and staff thanks for all you do to make Nelson the best place to Live-Work-Play and Invest. Lets Forge On!
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered