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Public Input Survey, City of Marion, KY

The City of Marion, Kentucky is preparing a Bike and Walking Master Plan that will lay the foundation for a network of bike and walking facilities in and around the City. The City would like to get your input on the preliminary draft of this Plan, as well as get your thoughts and suggestion on ideas related to walking and biking in and around Marion.  

Please complete the survey by November 30, 2020.

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* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. How old Are You?

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* 3. What is your gender?

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* 4. Please check all answers that apply to you.

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* 5. Do you walk mostly for transportation or recreation (choose one answer)?

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* 6. What makes a good sidewalk or trail for walking (Choose up to 3 answers).

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* 7. Please check all the answers that apply to you.

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* 8. If you ride a bike, what prevents you from riding your bike more often (Choose up to three (3) answers).

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* 9. After reviewing the Draft Bike and Walking Master Plan, what are the TOP THREE (3) multi-use trails or sidewalks listed in the Plan that you would like to see constructed.

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* 10. Do you have a recommendation for a multi-use trail or sidewalk not listed in the Draft Plan that you feel is necessary for a cohesive bike or walking system inside the City? If so, please describe the general location or destinations that need better bike or pedestrian access.

0 of 10 answered