Brimbank Youth Council 2025 Application Form

Expression of Interest

Interested in creating change in your local community? Then apply for a role in the Brimbank Youth Council!

As a Brimbank Youth Council (BYC) member, you will have the opportunity to:
  • Be a representative of young people in Brimbank
  • Work with other young people on a youth-led project to create positive changes
  • Build meaningful connections within your community
  • Meet with Councillors, develop skills, build networks and gain experience
All young people aged 12 to 25 who live, work, study or have a strong connection to the city of Brimbank are welcome to apply.

Fill out the application form by 2 February 2025.

In this application, we ask a few demographic related questions, such as age, gender, cultural background and connection to Brimbank. This information is kept private and is only collected to ensure we represent the diverse voices from our community in Brimbank.

If you find any of the questions in this form a little confusing or want more information, please email or call 0429 077 219.
1.First Name:(Required.)
2.Last Name:(Required.)
4.What is your date of birth?(Required.)
5.What is your gender?(Required.)
6.What is your email address? Please provide your personal email address, not your school email address.(Required.)
7.What is your phone number?(Required.)
8.What is your connection to Brimbank? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
9.Which Brimbank Suburb do you have the strongest connection with? This might be the suburb you live in now, the suburb you go to school in or where you grew up/enjoy hanging out.(Required.)
10.If you attend school in Brimbank, please write your school's name below. If you do not attend school in Brimbank, please write "No".(Required.)
11.What languages do you speak at home? Please select all that apply.(Required.)
12.Do you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?(Required.)
13.What country were you born in? (Optional)
14.What is your cultural background?(Required.)
15.Do you identify as living with a disability or a health condition?(Required.)
16.Brimbank City Council is committed to supporting your access needs. Below is a list of common barriers and accessibility needs. Please let us know if any of these apply to you or if you have an access need that is not listed.(Required.)
17.Eligibility: Please tick all that apply to you.
(Note: even if you have little to no experience in being a representative for your peers or have not participated in the below programs, having interest in leadership and representing young people makes you equally eligible.)
18.In 150 words or less, please explain why you would like to be a member of the Brimbank Youth Council.(Required.)
19.How would you describe Brimbank? In your answer, please list three things you like about our community.(Required.)
20.What skills or experience do you have that will help you in your role as a Brimbank Youth Council member?(Required.)
21.Please briefly describe a time when you worked in a group to make a positive impact in a community that you are a part of. (i.e. in school, in your sports club, in church, in your local community, at work/volunteering, etc.). You can talk about what your role was, why you cared about it and the impact of your involvement.(Required.)
22.If you are elected as a Brimbank Youth Council member, what is one topic you are passionate about and would like to see change occur in?(Required.)
23.Are there any existing conflicts of interest that may impact your membership?
A conflict of interest is your personal interests – family, friendships, financial or social factors – could compromise your judgment, decisions, or actions as a member of the Youth Council. Examples of this include: Having a family member who is a Councillor or being able to benefit financially from any decisions made in the BYC.
24.All BYC members aged 18 years or older must have a Working with Children's Check. Please select the statement that best applies to you.(Required.)
25.Brimbank Youth Council meets on a weekly basis on Wednesdays 5-6:30pm. Being a member will require time and commitment. Will you be committed to attending meetings regularly?
Note: There are exceptions, i.e. if you're sick or have other unavoidable commitments such as family, school, work and/or health. There will also be some scheduled weeks of no meetings to account for holidays and exam periods.
26.Is there anything that might impact your ability to attend meetings that you’d like us to be aware of?
Note: We may deliver some meetings online. 

27.How did you find out about Brimbank Youth Council? Select all that apply.(Required.)