Membership Private/Medicare Advantage Insurance Concerns

CAC and PIAC representatives serve as your first line of defense in insurance matters, and for our 23rd CAC/PIAC meeting this year, we are gathering data to enable us to convey information to these representatives for the purpose of prioritizing concerns and pinpointing areas that need focus.
3.Who is the Part B Medicare Administrative Contractor for your Jurisdiction?
4.Are you  experiencing  denials for payment of repeat procedures for CPT 11730 (Avulsion of nail plate, partial or complete, simple; single) and 11750 (Excision of nail and nail matrix, partial or complete, (e.g., ingrown or deformed nail) for permanent removal?
5.Has your contractor instructed you to insert modifier KX for a medically reasonable and necessary repeat nail excision (CPT 11750) on the same toe?
6.Are you still experiencing difficulties with receiving payment for trimming and debriding of nails (CPT 11719-11721, G0127) with the cutting of corns and calluses (CPT 11055-11057) when using -59 modifier?
7.If so, which carriers are causing the issue for you?
8.Are you experiencing denial or reduction in payment when submitting significant and separately identifiable Evaluation and Management (E/M) services with other minor surgical procedures and the -25 modifier?
9.If so, which carriers are causing the issue for you?
10.How involved and knowledgeable do you consider yourself regarding MIPS policy and procedures?