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100% of survey complete.
Thank you for your recent participation in a training with the Hendricks Institute.

We would like your input on ways to make future programs even more effective and relevant; we need your candid feedback. Please take a moment to complete the following.

We know your time is valuable, and we thank you very much for your help,

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us what training you attended, where it was and what dates.

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* 2. Please tell give us a little more information about you. All information collected is held in strictest confidence.

Question Title

* 3. Please evaluate our program features on how well we did.

  Superb Very Good Average Somewhat Lacking Not Good
Meeting Facilities

Question Title

* 4. Please give us your overall evaluation of the program.

Question Title

* 5. We'd really like to hear any suggestions you may have that would make our programs more valuable to you.

Question Title

* 6. If you really liked our programs and would like to give us a testimonial, here's your opportunity! What benefit are you taking into your life that made the most positive difference for you? (Your quote may be used on our website or in other materials. If you would prefer that your name not be used, please let us know).

To help us find more wonderful people like you, it would help us to know the following (#s 7 and 8):

Question Title

* 7. How I first learned of this program:

Question Title

* 8. The #1 reason I decided to sign up for this course was:

Question Title

* 9. If you know someone who is interested in this program, please let us know:

Thank you for your help with improving our programs. 

Love and Blessings,
Gay and Katie Hendricks