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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback will help the Eau Claire County Farmland Preservation Steering Committee to update the existing Farmland Preservation Plan.

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* 1. Do you own, rent, or lease farmland or forestry land?

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* 2. If so, in what town(s), village(s), or city(ies) do you farm?

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* 3. How long have you been farming in Eau Claire County?

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* 4. The following are several statements regarding the character and preferred future for the town, village, or city in which you farm. Please rate each.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My town, village, or city has a rural character
My town, village, or city should maintain a rural character
My town, village, or city should promote the preservation of farmland
Farming is an important part of my town, village, or city’s present identity
Farming is an important part of my town, village, or city’s future

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* 5. The following are several statements that suggest choices about future growth and development for the town, village, or city in which you farm. Please rate each.

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My town, village, or city should promote more commercial development
Town, village, or city land use policies should be strengthened to better guide growth
Most new development should occur adjacent to areas which are already developed
Agricultural businesses and industry should be supported
Farmers and other rural landowners should be able to sell their land for any type or amount of development
Farmers and other rural landowners should be able to sell their land for a limited amount of development
Land use conflicts between agriculture and residential development are a problem
Land use conflicts between commercial and residential development are a problem in my community
Housing affordability is a growing problem in my community
It is important to coordinate the town, village, or city future land use plans with those of surrounding towns, cities, and villages

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* 6. Do you, or a farmer renting your land, currently have a nutrient management plan* on your property?

*Nutrient management planning is a strategy for obtaining the maximum economic return from both on- and off-farm fertilizer resources in a manner that optimizes soil conservation and protects the quality of nearby water resources.

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* 7. If your property is being farmed and does not have a nutrient management plan, why not?

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* 8. Are you currently receiving Farmland Preservation Tax Credits?

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* 9. If you do not receive Farmland Preservation Tax Credits, why not?

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* 10. Which of the following statements best describes how you want the town, village, or city in which you farm to look 20 years from now?

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* 11. Which type of non-farm commercial development would you support in the town, village, or city in which you farm? (select all categories that apply)

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* 12. What agricultural products are produced on your land? (select all categories that apply)

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* 13. How many acres do you farm?

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* 14. Of the land you farm, how many acres do you own?

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* 15. Of the land you farm, how many acres do you rent

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* 16. What do you believe is the viability of agriculture in the town, village, or city in which you farm over the next 20 years?

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* 17. What agricultural activities do you believe are the most viable? (check all that apply)

0 of 17 answered