Alaska 511 Survey 2023

1.Where in Alaska are you located?(Required.)
2.How often do you use Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
3.Which of these aspects of Alaska 511 Services do you use the most?(Required.)
4.How satisfied are you with the website's ease of use?(Required.)
5.What feature of the Alaska 511 website do you use the most?(Required.)
6.Are you aware of the Alaska 511 Route Planner?(Required.)
7.Are you signed up for email or text notifications in the Alaska 511 system?(Required.)
8.If yes, which of the following statements about text and/or emails notifications is true for you? Check all that apply.(Required.)
9.How satisfied are you with the telephone system's ease of use?(Required.)
10.How satisfied are you with the mobile application's ease of use?(Required.)
11.How satisfied are you with Alaska 511 social media?(Required.)
12.Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience using Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
13.How satisfied are you with the graphics of Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
14.How satisfied are you with the look of the map on Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
15.How satisfied are you with the reliability of the data in Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
16.How interested are you in seeing rest area information as part of Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
17.How interested are you in seeing snowplow tracking as part of Alaska 511 Services?(Required.)
18.Do you want more detailed information about construction projects? Select all details you would be interested in:
19.Have you visited the new APEX (Alaska Project Exchange Mapper) site?(Required.)
20.If we were to expand the deployment of Road Weather Information Stations (with camera), where would you like to see an additional station?(Required.)
21.Do you feel that Alaska 511 Services are continually improving to your liking?(Required.)
22.How well do Alaska 511 Services meet your needs?(Required.)
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend Alaska 511 Services to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
24.What suggestions do you have for improving Alaska 511 Services?
Current Progress,
0 of 24 answered
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