Matchmaking application Grow Gothenburg

Thank you for your interest in farming on available plots made possible by Grow Gothenburg. We would like to ask you to give some more information about yourself to help us choose suitable farmers for the plot.

We will evaluate the applications according to these requirements; project realisation and the farmer's commitment and profile. However, the main importance is your interest in learning and we and the rest of your fellow Growers in the community are there to support you the best we can. Note that it is also important that an organisation is created to ensure the maintenance of the land. Please ask if you have any questions: It is totally ok to answer in Swedish if you prefer that. 

Good luck on your Growing journey! 

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last Name

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* 3. Email

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* 4. Residential address

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* 5. Other adress where you spend a lot of time and could be relevant for the application (work, university, kinder garden pick-up point etc) 

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* 6. Write the name or names of your grower-partner if you would like to apply as a team

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* 7. Where do you want to farm the most? (Rank according to preference)

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* 8. What is your goal with your farming practise? (choose max 3 alternatives)

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* 9. Describe your project idea
1. Short description of your project idea and why it would suit in the specific site.

2. Do you have any experience or education that could support you in this project idea?

3. What challenges do you see in realizing the project idea - and is there anything we could support you with from GrowGBG? (Such as knowledge, other people to farm with, etc)

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* 10. How much time per week or month will you put on the farming project? (days/hours per week/month)