June 14, 2024

Power Wheel Demo Derby to be held during intermission of the McKenzie County Fair Demo Derby which starts at 7:00 P.M.

Safety Rules:
1. Helmets must be worn at all times. Bicycle helmets are acceptable.
2. Legs must remain in the compartment. Sit IN not ON.
3. Seatbelt is recommended.
4. If the child leaves the vehicle at any time during the derby that child is out of the event.
5. Closed toed shoes are required. No sandals.
Derby Play:
1. Drop off power wheels by 7 p.m. for inspection and balloons.
2. Balloons will be provided to attach to front and rear of vehicle.
3. Object is to pop or remove other contestants’ balloons.
4. The last one left with a balloon is the winner.
5. At all times this is for the KID
General Rules:
1. Kids aged 5-10 may participate.
2. Any regular electric Power Wheel is allowed. NO 4-wheeler types vehicles permitted
3. Vehicles are allowed UP TO a 12-volt lawn mower battery which cannot be mounted in the passenger seat. Battery must remain secured and sealed away from child
4. All doors and tailgates must be strapped shut. No sharp edges. Use zip ties or duct tape (or other flexible material) to make them stay shut.
5. Stock tires only. No screws in tires, no chains, no rubber tires, etc.
6. Vehicle must remain at stock height – cannot be lowered or raised.
7. No added reinforcements for strength allowed.
8. Decorative changes can be made to the vehicle to make it look like a derby car – however it cannot reinforce the power wheel.
All children must be signed in with one parent at the pit gates. All children must wear approved safety helmets. Bicycle helmets are acceptable. If child gets out of the power wheel during event, that child is out of the event. One Parent will be allowed on the track with their child during the event. Two pit passes (1 for child, 1 for parent) will be provided. All power wheels will be checked in at pit gate no later than 7PM.
Watford City Police Foundation, McKenzie County Fair, and/or McKenize County Ag Expo are liable for any injuries or damaged. Liability Waver Required Prior to Participating.

Question Title

* 1. Parent's Full Name

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* 2. Child's Full Name

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* 3. Home Address

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* 4. Parent's Phone Number