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* 1. In which group of the College campus community are you?

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* 2. Do you recall seeing any literature, emails, or messages on TV monitors in campus buildings, etc. provided by VHCC about stormwater issues?

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* 3. Are you aware VHCC has a dedicated stormwater webpage.

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* 4. Did you know you can report stormwater pollution incidents occurring on VHCC campuses through the information provided on the VHCC stormwater webpage?

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* 5. Stormwater discharging from the VHCC campuses ultimately drains to

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* 6. The VHCC campuses ultimately drains to the Wolf Creek.

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* 7. Which of the following typically impact stormwater runoff quality? (check all that apply)

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* 8. Pollutants in stormwater runoff can (check all that apply)

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* 9. Which of the following steps can reduce pollution in stormwater runoff? (check all that apply)

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* 10. Did you know introduction or exposure of pollutants into stormwater runoff or surface waters (illicit discharge) is prohibited on the VHCC campus?

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* 11. Can VHCC take disciplinary action against individuals causing an illicit discharge on campus?

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* 12. Which of the following are examples of a source of an illicit discharge? (check all that apply)

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* 13. An illicit discharge can only be caused when a pollutant is dumped directly into a storm drain?

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* 14. Which of the photos below cause concern as a source or poor practice for the potential of an illicit discharge in the case of rainfall? (check all that apply)

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* 15. Please provide any feedback or concerns regarding the VHCC stormwater program below.

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