We want to hear about your experiences and views on research!

Research is key to improving outcomes for our patients in breast surgery. We are keen to hear about trainees’ experiences of research, including:

• what research you have been involved in up to now
• what your views of research are
• whether you would be interested in being involved in future research projects.

We would like to hear from trainees at any stage in their training who have an interest in a career in breast surgery.

Everyone who completes the survey will be offered PUBMED citable collaborator status on the future publication. We will collect your name and email address for this purpose, and to ask if you would like to be contacted about future projects. If you don’t want to provide your name or email address you can still complete the survey without these.

We will be offering a £50 Amazon voucher in a prize draw for all those who complete the survey. If you wish to be entered into the draw, please leave your email address at the end of the survey so that we can contact you if you win!


If you have any questions about the study, please contact the Surgical Specialty Leads, Professor Shelley Potter (shelley.potter@bristol.ac.uk) or Professor Stuart McIntosh (s.mcintosh@qub.ac.uk).

Many thanks for your help with this important survey.

Shelley Potter & Stuart McIntosh
Royal College of Surgeons Breast Surgical Specialty Leads
Kit Fairhurst, Alona Courtney & Mhairi Mactier
Royal College of Surgeons Breast Associate Surgical Specialty Leads