Did you or someone you know reach out to 211 Maine and find the services or supports you needed?

We are collecting success stories to add to our outreach materials (Facebook posts, website, etc.).

We want to know if the information and referrals you received from 211 Maine really made a difference.

Please share your success with us!

Question Title

* 1. Why did you contact 211 Maine? (What type of service/resource were you looking for?)

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* 2. How did you contact 211 Maine?

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* 3. Was the information you received from 211 Maine useful?

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* 4. Would you recommend 211 Maine to others?

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* 5. Tell us how the information or referrals you received from 211 helped you (please be as specific as possible)

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* 6. Do you give us permission to publish your story as long as no contact details are included?

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* 7. If you are comfortable, please share the information below:

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* 8. How did you hear about 211 Maine?

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* 9. Are you willing to share a photo to go with your story? If so, be sure to complete Question 10 and include your contact information. You will be contacted by a representative of 211 Maine.

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* 10. Please include the information below if you give permission for a 211 Maine representative to follow-up with you:

Thank you!