Your answers to this short survey will help us help you better in the new year. 

Whether you're still working on a new business idea or looking for good ideas to stay afloat during the pandemic, we want to know how to best train, coach, and guide you to success in 2021.  Take this 3 minute survey and enter contest for 1 year of free workshops.

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How can we help in 2021?

How can we help in 2021?

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1. You (the business owner)

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2. Are you currently in business (or would be if not for the pandemic)?

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3. I will *definitely* participate in one of the trainings below if it's offered in 2021. (Check all that apply)

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4. I will *definitely* participate in one of the 6-12 week coaching/training programs below if it's offered.

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5. Do you have any other questions or suggestions?

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6. Praise! How did we please you in 2020? Was there a moment or resource, a training, a consultant we can share your appreciation with?

Thank you for letting your North Coast SBDC know how we can serve you even better in the coming year.