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Survey Tips

Filtering made simple

Filtering made simple
  • Filter results for a quick and powerful way to isolate particular parts of your data.
  • When you apply a filter, you see only the survey results that meet the criteria specified in your filter.
  • You can filter by response to a particular question, by custom criteria, or by property (time period, completed vs. partially completed responses, email address, name, IP address and custom values) to narrow down your results.
  • You can apply multiple filters at a time, and add a cross tab report to really get to the heart of your data.

The Response Summary displays the results for all completed surveys and provides a summary of your data. But what if you want to know how a specific group of your survey respondents answered your survey? Any time you need to dig deeper into your data to analyze the responses of a subset of your respondents, you can apply a filter.

You also have the option to dig even deeper by applying multiple filters. For example, to isolate the responses by gender, age, and income, make sure you ask a question about each of those characteristics in your survey, and then apply filters based on the responses to those questions.

You can also apply filters to cross tabs or use up to five filter groups in a comparison report. If you are looking at the relationship between more than two survey questions through a cross tab, then you can add a filter to the cross tab report.

  • Who are your biggest advocates – who says they are very satisfied and likely to purchase from you again? Who would recommend you?
  • Why are they our biggest advocates – why do they say they would recommend us?
  • Why do dissatisfied customers feel that way – how do they answer our open-ended questions?
  • How do employees in specific departments feel about our company?
  • Is there a relationship between office location and satisfaction [cross tab]? Does that relationship still exist when we control for length of employment? [apply filter to cross tab]

For marketing surveys, find out:

  • What are the preferences and characteristics of the customers who purchase my brand?
  • What do my customers prefer about my competitors’ brand?