Congregational Survey Form

Your Participation at PCB
Thank you for taking the time to complete this anonymous Survey to assist the Senior Pastor Search Committee in gathering the thoughts and suggestions of the congregation, We want to know about your dreams and aspirations for PCB­ and where we believe God is calling us as a church in our next chapter in furtherance of His purposes. While you may be presented the opportunity to fill out this survey via multiple avenues, please only fill out this survey once. Each member of your family may complete the survey, whether or not they are church members. Additionally, you are not required to complete all of the survey questions. This survey contains 17 questions.

Information for the Senior Pastor
In this section we are collecting information that we will share with the prospective pastor candidates to help them understand who we are, what we do and what we feel called to do in the future. The Senior Pastor Search Committee will also use the information in this section as additional input to the search process.
1.How long have you attended this congregation?
2.What is your principal mode of attending worship?
3.On average, how frequently have you attended Sunday worship online or in person in the past year?
4.How many church organizations, Sunday school classes, committees, and groups have you participated in (not counting congregational membership itself?)
5.Has your involvement in the church increased, decreased, or remained the same in the recent years?
6.What factors have increased or decreased your involvement in the church? (Please select all that apply.)
7.In thinking about what ORIGINALLY attracted you to this congregation, select from the list below those reasons that best match your reasons for coming. (Please select all that apply.)
8.In thinking about what KEEPS you as part of this congregation, select from the list below those reasons that best match your reasons for coming. (Please select all that apply.)
PCB Ministry and Mission

PCB’s ministries are active ways that we as a community currently respond to God’s call, both within our congregation and in the wider world.
9.For any PCB program listed below, please indicate whether or not you (or your child, if applicable), have recently participated in the program. Please write in any additional activities not listed below. Check all that apply.
Demographic Information

The information gathered below is anonymous and will help prospective pastor candidates better understand the makeup of the congregation they would be serving. Please answer the following questions as you feel comfortable.
10.What is your age group?
11.What is your gender?
12.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one).
13.What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Information for the Search Committee
14.Is there a new area of ministry PCB should be considering for the future? If so, what is it? Please add it at the bottom of the list with your answer. Then assign an "importance level" to each item on the list with: H - highest importance, M - medium importance, and L - lower importance. You may assign an importance level or leave it blank if you have no preference.
Importance Level:
Additional Outreach in Community
Attracting Younger Generations
Connection to College Students
Fellowship Opportunities
Hiring additional staff
More Bible Study
More Sunday School Classes
Additional/different style of Worship
15.What skills, experiences, and/or qualities do you hope that our new pastor and head-of-staff will bring to PCB to help PCB respond to God's call? Please assign an "importance level" to each item on the list with: H - highest importance, M - medium importance, and L - lower importance. You may assign an importance level or leave it blank if you have no preference.
Importance Level
Analytical interpretation of the Bible
Biblical Knowledge
Gentle spirit
Involvement in Local Community
Leadership of Elders, Deacons, Trustees
Literal interpretation of the Bible
Office Presence/Availability
Passion for evangelism
Passion for helping the underserved population
Passion for visiting
Pastoral caring
Pastoral Counseling
Vision and Strategy
16.What is the highest level of experience you would prefer our new pastor to have?
17.What is the highest level of education you would like our new pastor to have attained?

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback with us!

We will summarize the responses received from all participants and share the results you with when the processing of all responses has been completed!