Invitation to Apply

Rotary USA-France Intercountry Committee (ICC) - Positive Peace & Leadership Dialogue Seminar, FedEx Global Education Center, Chapel HIll, NC, USA. October 18-21, 2023. American side open until September 30, 2023. French Side Applications are now closed.

In continuity with the first three France-USA ICC Seminars (Paris, France October 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA October 2018 & Rennes, France, October 2021), this peace seminar is intended to give the opportunity to the younger generations to prepare themselves to reflect on peace in the world and global issues. This seminar will be done in cooperation with French and American Rotary Districts, with the Institute for Economics and Peace and the Rotary France-USA Intercountry Committee. It will be a 2 1/2-day, interactive workshop, conducted in english, aimed at deepening participants’ understanding of Positive Peace and its relevance for their own work and communities, in order to enhance their capacity to serve as peace building leaders. 10 French applicants and 20 American applicants will be selected for this event. North Carolina Rotary District 7710 is home to the Duke-UNC Rotary Peace Center.

Participants will:
1. Gain knowledge and tangible tools to enhance their own work, and to be better able to manage conflict when it occurs,
2. Apply and amplify the message of Positive Peace - including the value of local investments in and collaboration around - Positive Peace within their own networks and communities,
3. Develop relationships with other participants beyond the seminar.
4. Student voices from across the social and political spectrum, from USA and France, will convene to discuss issues of common interest in facilitated dialogue. Participants will engage in experiential and meaningful dialogue, in a proven model for civil discourse. Also, they will gain facilitation skills, so they can foster civil discourse in their own communities.
5. Gain insight into the Promotion of Peace Building and Conflict Resolution, one of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus.

The USA-France Positive Peace & Leadership Dialogue Seminar builds off successful large-scale, multi-day positive Peace workshops conducted by the IEP in Colombia and Mexico in 2017 and 2018, which were hosted by Rotary clubs and districts through funding provided by Rotary Global Grants. Those workshops brought together diverse groups of community leaders and peace builders to discuss and design practical, impactful, and measurable community-level investments through Positive Peace. The 2023 Positive Peace Seminar will be the second Positive Peace workshop organized through the ICC model, and will serve as a “proof of concept” for Positive Peace workshops conducted outside of the Global Grant structure.

French applicants will be hosted by local Rotarians. Airfare will be provided for participants chosen from France (up to 1,000 euros). Meals during the seminar will be provided by our ICC for all applicants. American applicants will cover their own travel and lodging. For specific questions, please see the Concept Note regarding the seminar or send an email to:

If interested, please complete this survey and send your curriculum vitae and letter of motivation to the following email address:

Making peace between wars has been the way humanity has proceeded for centuries. Making Peace sustainable is now possible thanks to the Positive Peace Seminar.

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* 1. What is your first name?

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* 2. What is your last name?

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* 3. What college or university do or did you attend?

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* 4. What is or was your primary field of study?

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* 5. Please outline your experience (academic, professional or personal) in peace-building.  If you are a working professional, please describe your profession.

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* 6. What is your gender?

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* 7. What is your street address?

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* 8. City? Zip Code?

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* 10. What is your email address?

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* 11. What is your cell phone number?

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* 12. Are you a former Interact Club or present or former Rotaract Club Member?  If so, which?

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* 13. What Rotary Club and/or District is sponsoring you?  They may not be aware of this project.  Please share the CONCEPT NOTE with them.  Please list a Rotarian Name and email address so we may share your participation, if accepted.

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* 14. What is Rotary in 100 words or less?

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* 15. Why are you interested in attending the Positive Peace Seminar? (100 words or less)

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* 16. How would you define Peace (100 words or less)?

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* 17. Have you ever participated in a Rotary event, Peace-building event or an International workshop?  If so, please describe one of the events and what you gained from it.

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* 18. What do you believe is the main challenge when it come to building peace?

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* 19. What are your expectations regarding participating in the Positive Peace Seminar? Or, what do you hope to gains by participating in this event?

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* 20. How did you hear about the Positive Peace Seminar?

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* 21. The Positive Peace Seminar expects all participants to uphold the principles of respect for human dignity and tolerance of opinions different than their own.  No ad hominem comment will be tolerated.  Can you ensure that you will uphold these two principles during the dialogue?

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* 22. What do you hope to gain by participating in this event conducted in English?

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* 23. Share something interesting or funny about yourself.

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* 24. Are you available for the dates of October 18-22, 2023 and should you be accepted to participate, do you commit to attend the seminar?