By responding to this questionnaire, you will:
  • Contribute to policy coherence by providing information on how you are integrating trade issues into your development  or external investment strategies, policies or plans, and highlighting your Aid-for-Trade priorities, particularly in the context of the economic and trade recovery from the COVID‑19 pandemic;

  • Shed light on the transition towards sustainable development, the trade dimension to that process, what role digital connectivity can play, and how Aid for Trade can support environmentally sustainable (i.e., green) growth; and

  • Highlight how Aid for Trade is contributing to women's economic empowerment.

Responses to this questionnaire will be published at the website and will be analysed in the next edition of the joint OECD-WTO Aid for Trade at a Glance report. The report will be discussed at the 2022 Global Review of Aid for Trade. The theme of the Review is "Empowering Connected Sustainable Trade".
For any question or comment, you may write to us at
More information on Aid for Trade and the monitoring and evaluation exercise is available at
3% of survey complete.